I don’t see the “Begin” button on the Login Screen

If you see the above behavior here are a few things you can try

General help:

  • Try from a different browser (ie: if using MS Edge, try Firefox or Chrome, etc)
  • Try from your mobile device or tablet if this is your PC, or from your PC if you experience this on your mobile device. This can help narrow down the issue to a specific device if you need to contact us for further support.
  • Whitelist our sites in your antivirus software. This is especially relevant if you are using AVG Antivirus / Web Protection (see instructions below.)

Instructions for AVG Antivirus users

You will need to place our site into the allowlist (whitelist) in your AVG software in two places:

  • Web Filter: Navigate here: https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?l=en&urlname=AVG-Antivirus-scan-exclusions (Basic Procedure: Open AVG Internet Security –> Menu at the top right –> Settings –> General –> Exceptions –>URL’s and add: partnerrc.com)
  • AntiTrack: Navigate here: https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?l=en&urlname=Use-AVG-AntiTrack (Basic Procedure: Scroll down to Add whitelisted websites –> Open the Main AVG AntiTrack Dashboard, Click the Whitelisted websites tile, then choose one of these options:
    • Select a website from the Choose From Popular Options drop-down menu. The website instantly appears in your Whitelisted websites.
    • If you do not see the website you want to add, enter our URL (for example, partnerrc.com into the left text box, then click Add. The website appears in your Whitelisted website.
  • After you perform these two whitelist items, reboot your machine and try again.
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